
My Story:

It's probably similar to many,  just insert your name here______, but it's still my story nonetheless.

It goes something like this...

Girl has dream, dream remains just that, a dream. Albeit one that shifts and changes with the passing years, but never dies or is replaced with others.

Then over a warm Fourth of July weekend with no other goal than to enjoy a light dinner and a cool beverage, something happened. 

That something was an available space and a little thing called ENCOURAGEMENT.

A gentle nudge, a confident vote, a "you were meant to do this" and a high five or two for good measure.

Fast forward, real fast, and over two months and two weeks a resignation letter to a seventeen year design career was given, paper was up, dust was flying, items were curated, more high fives, paper was down and on October 12, 2013 HAMMER + AWL was created in Madrona, where it was meant to be. 

We are Hammer + Awl:

ERIN KROHN: Shopkeep/Curator, the girl with the dream

ANTHONY DICKSON: Director of Dapper/Jack of All Trades